مجله انگليسي گروه راه نرفته
Teacher :

Samira Sharifi
Num :
In the name of Allah The most Merciful, The most Beneficent
... O Thou Creator of the heavens and the earth! Thou art my Protector in this world and in the Hereafter. Take Thou my soul (at death) as one submitting to Thy will (as a Muslim), and unite me with the righteous.  al-Qur'an 12:101
Teachers Words
Hello everyone, how are you?
First of all let me thank those who sent me their opinions and also for the wonderful emails. Thanks a million. Dastetoon dard nakone.  keep those emails coming. If you would like to have your comments published in this Magazine, simply e-mail it to me. I am enthusiastic to hear what you the reader have to say. It means a lot to me.  God bless you all!
I thought it would be useful to give you the contents of the magazine from now on.  Maybe it would give you an idea of what I want.
Any translated material ( It could be to do with your field of study)
Reading Comprehension
Translation of the Holy Quran
Sport news
Computer and Internet
Comic and crosswords
Short Stories
Doostane aziz mitavanid matalebi dar in zamineha baraye man ersal konid ta dar
nashriye gharar daham. Say konid matalebe tarjome shode send konid.  doostane  alaghemand  be hamkari  dar nashriyeye amoozeshiye zabane engelisi lotfan be man  az tarighe email elam konand .
 Montazere matalebe zibatoon hastam.  
Treat Your Friends with Kindness
In the days of the Holy Prophet (SAW) lived a person called Thabit bin Qays. This man was weak of hearing and therefore, he always sat near the Holy Prophet (SAW) to listen to his sermons.
One day, he was late at Mosque and the Holy Prophet (SAW) was in the 2nd unit of his morning prayer. So he joined the congregation in the last row and completed his prayer. Thereafter, he started to break the lines of the people
in order to reach near the Prophet (SAW). In his effort, he pushed some people aside but nobody said anything to him. In his place sat a gentleman, who, if he moved slightly, Thabit could get his usual place but the man did not oblige and told Thabit, "Sit where you are." Throughout the sermon, Thabit kept on looking at him with agitation and as soon as the sermon was over, he asked the man, "Who are you?" The man replied, "I am the son of so and so."
Apparently, in the days of ignorance, the mother of this man had a bad name. When Thabit heard who he was, he ridiculed him in front of everyone and said, "You are the son of such and such woman, who was notorious for her bad deeds." The man felt sad and ashamed of himself and thus lowered his face. Thabit had not done a wise thing! As a result of his action, the following verse was revealed, "O you who have faith! Let not any people ridicule another people: it may be that they are better then they are" (49:11) (Tafseer of Surah al-Hujuraat by Ayatullah Dasti Ghayb).
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (AS) has said, "Treat your companions and friends with kindness and never make face or show contempt towards them" (Al-Kaafi).
ترجمه متن به فارسی:
با دوستان به مهربانی رفتار کنید
در زمان  پيامبر اسلام(ص) مردی زندگی می کرد به نام تبت ابن قیس . این مرد شنوایی اش ضعیف بود،  به همین خاطر همیشه کنار پیامبر می نشست تا به خطبه های پیامبر گوش دهد.
یک روز او به مسجد دیر آمد و پیامبر (ص) در رکعت دوم نماز صبحش بود.  بنابراین تبت به صف آخر جماعت  پیوست و نمازش را خواند.  سپس شروع به هم ریختن صفوف کرد تا به پیامبر برسد.  او افرادی را به کنار هل داد ولی کسی چیزی به او  نگفت.  در جای او مردی نشسته بود، که اگر مرد اندکی تکان می خورد، تبت میتوانست در جای همیشگی بنشیند ولی مرد تکان نخورد و به تبت گفت: همان جایی که هستی بنشین.  در طول خطبه تبت با آشفتگی به مرد نگاه می کرد و وقتی که سخنرانی تمام شد به مرد گفت: تو که هستی؟ . مرد جواب داد: من پسر فلانی  هستم.
 ظاهرا در زمان جاهلیت مادر این مرد بد نام بود. وقتی تبت شنید که او کیست ، در ملا عام او را مسخره کرد و به او گفت: تو پسر اینچنین زنی هستی ، زنی که به خاطر کردار بدش رسوا بود.
مرد ناراحت شد و از خودش خجالت کشید و سرش را پایین انداخت.  تبت کار عاقلانه ای  انجام نداده بود! و در نتیجه این عملش این آیه نازل شد: ای کسی که ایمان آورده ای !اجازه نده کسی دیگری را مسخره کند. ممکن است کسی که مسخره اش می کنی بهتر از تو باشد.( تفسیر سوره الحجرات توسط آیت الله دستغیب)
امام محمد البکر(ع) گفته است : با دوستان به مهربانی رفتار کنید و هرگز آنها را تحقیر نکنید.(الکافی) 
Vocabulary of the text:
خطبه   : sermon
مسجد    : Mosque
جماعت    : Congregation
آشفتگی    : Agitation
ظاهرا    : Apparently
جاهلیت    : Ignorance
استهزاء   :Ridicule
کردار     : Deeds
آيه    : Verse
تحقیر    : Contempt
رسوا    :Notorious 
Todays Lesson
Before we start our new lesson today, I have a few things to share with you. Well first of all as you see I have made a few changes. be lotfe doostane azizam.  From now on I will give you a translation work.  And your job is to translate it. You will read the text.  Then do your best to translate it in to farsi.  In the next edition I will provide the translation for you.  Hope you do well.
Here is the text:
Researchers have found fossil evidence of a 135-million-year-old sea monster in southern Argentina in an area that was once part of the Pacific Ocean. The sea monster is 4 meters tall with a huge jaw. It resembles Godzilla in that the head is like a carnivorous dinosaur and the tail is fish like. Many scientists have attached the Godzilla name to the creature but the scientific name is Dakosaurus andiensis.
It belonged to the crocodyliforms (crocodile family) and lived in the water. It preyed on reptiles and other sea creatures with its sharp, jagged teeth. Dakosaurus andiensis along with other monsters, like the Plesio-saur, with a 6-meter-long neck, and Ichthyosaurs that may have grown to be 23 meters long, all became extinct in the same time span as the dinosaurs. The whales were the next creatures to  rule the sea.
I would also like you all to try the test below.  It gives you an idea of your vocabulary status.  Wish you all the best.
Test OF Vocabulary Range
The purpose of this test is to take inventory of your present vocabulary.
Here are 50 words, and 4 definitions for each word. Select the definition that is nearest in meaning to the key word.
1. Clandestine: (a) secret (b) important (c) sick (d) bleak
2. Decade: (a) ten years (b) lifetime (c) fortnight (d) memory
3. Abdicate: (a) give up (b) grasp (c) release (d) purify
4. Dismal: (a) warm (b) stormy (c) greedy (d) gloomy
5. Oculist: (a) heart doctor (b) shrewd politician (c) foot doctor (d) eye doctor
6. Drench: (a) dig (b) take away unlawfully (c) purge (d) make thoroughly wet
7. Debonair: (a) puzzling (b) cheerful (c) sunny (d) bold
8. Rancid: (a) salty (b) ill-smelling (c) frugal (d) talkative
9. Purvey: (a) approve (b) supply (c) help (d) catch
10. Taciturmn: (a) worthless (b) uninterested (c) saying very little (d) skillful
11. Annihilate: (a) waver mentally (b) avoid (c) destroy completely (d) scold
12. Malign: (a) help financially (b) change track (c) slander (d) challenge forcefully
13. Nostalgic: (a) definite (b) homesick (c) unhappy (d) pleasant
14. Docile: (a) untidy (b) easily trained (c) sad (d) dangerous
15. Bellicose: (a) widespread (b) inclined to fighting (c) talkative (d) worthless
16. Repudiate: (a) pay back (b) disclaim (c) readjust (d) make impure
17. Loquacious: (a) unusual (b) pleasant (c) talkative (d) religious
18. Insipid: (a) sweet (b) harmless (c) tasteless (d) salty
19. Complacent: (a) stubborn (b) superior (c) self-satisfied (d) kindly
20. Trivial: (a) useful (b) fanciful (c) insignificant (d) stimulating
21. Tolerate: (a) improved (b) ugly (c) suspicious (d) endurable
22. Prognosticate: (a) accuse (b) disbelieve (c) slander (d) predict
23. Animosity: (a) enthusiasm (b) friendliness (c) rebellion (d) strong dislike
24. Gregarious: (a) vicious (b) trustworthy (c) calm (d) liking the company of others
25. Affluence: (a) wealth (b) poverty (c) fear (d) dirt
26. Anonymous: (a) one whose name is not known (b) generous (c) well-known (d) reluctant
27. Glib: (a) smooth (b) friendly (c) loud (d) awkward
28. Baffling: (a) puzzling (b) long (c) difficult (d) simple
29. Lenient: (a) wise (b) not strict (c) lean (d) selfish
30. Audacious: (a) tired (b) bold (c) skillful (d) necessary
31. Prolific: (a) occasional (b) producing abundantly (c) profit- making (d) business- minded
32. Celibate: (a) successful (b) unmarried (c) lonely (d) sad
33. Poignant: (a) tender (c) distressing to the feeling (c) ill-smelling (d) precious
34. Adulterate: (a) make impure (b) work hard (c) try unsuccessfully (d) be in doubt
35. Vacillate: (a) waver mentally (b) avoid (c) accuse (d) blame
36. Robust: (a) vigorous (b) fact (c) large (d) unhealthy
37. Spacious: (a) roomy (b) located in space (c) airy (d) restricted
38. Futile: (a) fruitless (b) useful (c) boring (d) frivolous
39. Tardy: (a) friendly (b) prompt (c) delayed (d) polite
40. Bleak: (a) pale (b) black and white (c) cold and cheerless (d) beautiful
41. Demolish: (a) decorate (b) strengthen (c) destroy (d) refuse
42. Disaster: (a) election (b) discovery (c) calamity (d) occurrence
43. Malicious: (a) timely (b) juicy (c) spiteful (d) amusing
44. Congenital: (a) incurable (b) crippling (c) occurring or during birth (d) producing abundantly
45. Abduct: (a) carry through pipes (b) accept with assurance (c) take a way unlawfully
46. Allay: (a) relieve (b) arouse (c) awaken (d) crush
47. Irony: (a) rich in iron (b) satire (c) fear (d) wisdom
48. Blithesome: (a) mournful (b) brief (c) gay and joyous (d) sentimental
49. Reminiscence: (a) imitation (b) blunder (c) repetition (d) recollection
50. Mundane: (a) heavenly (b) physical (c) common (d) worldly
1.a, 2.a, 3.a, 4.d, 5.d, 6.d, 7.b, 8.b, 9.b, 10.c, 11.c, 12.c, 13.b, 14.b, 15.b, 16.b, 17.c, 18.c, 19.c, 20.c, 21.d, 22.d, 23.d, 24.d, 25.a, 26.a, 27,a, 28.a, 29.b, 30.b, 31.b, 32.b, 33.b, 34.a, 35.a, 36.a, 37.a, 38.a, 39.c, 40.c, 41.c, 42.c, 43.c, 44.c, 45.c, 46.a, 47.b, 48.c, 49.d, 50.d
Your score (allowing one point for each correct answer):_______
On the basis of the following general classification, you can make an evaluation of your present vocabulary.
0 to 8 correct choices, your vocabulary is below average
9 to 19 correct choices, your vocabulary is average
20to 36 correct choices, your vocabulary is above average
37 to 46 correct choices, your vocabulary is excellent
47 to 50 correct choices, your vocabulary is superior
How have you done? It was quit a difficult test. Don’t worry if you didn’t do well. Make sure you Learn the words!  loghat haro hatman yad begirid!!!

Return To Childhood
A Poem by
With the despair of old age
I desire to fly
In a return to my childhood:
To make the world
My playmate again,
And like a mother
To hold everything in my arms
With the delight of innocence.
Love comes inall sizes....

Your Friends will support you....
They'll be there when you need a
shoulder to lean on....

Or a great big hug.... 
A true friend takes interest in
understanding what you're all about....
They see beyond the black and white
to discover your true colors....

And accept you just the way you are...
Even when you just wake up in the morning
So make your own kind of music....
Follow your heart wherever it takes you....
And when someone reaches out to you,
Don't be afraid to love them back....
They may just be a friend for life....
Practice patience and tolerance.....
Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave....
And impossible to forget!

Share this
 with   all your unforgettable friends, today....
With love and care
Samira Sharifi