㌡堇䐡퓭 ?Ѧ堑ǥ 䑝ʥ
Teacher :

Samira Sharifi
Num :
Dear group members
  I hope that you all enjoy  magazine  number 6 . I know there has been a very long gap in between and i apologize for that. I  must  thank miss Elahe for her help. Elahe you are the best. I have said all i should. may god bless you all. Remember me in your prayers.
best Regards ,
Samira Sharifi
Taghdim be shoma

 Here are 7 pictures of semi-trucks. Their trailers are painted to look like the sides are missing and the products they are hauling are painted on the sides and back.

 The first painting is one is of a bottle that looks like it is coming out the side of the trailer. 
The second is a canvas tote bag.
The third is of Pepsi cases and they are all stacked on the ceiling, and the bottom of the trailer is empty:  
The fourth is of a truck with the windshield facing the back, and there has been a driver painted in the drivers seat looking back over his shoulder to appear like he is driving backwards:  
The fifth one is of an aquarium with fish swimming in it:  
The sixth one is of a bookshelf with books lined up in it, and a post it note with an advertisement:
The last one is for Pringles Hot &Spicy. The side of the trailer has the appearance of having been through a fire that has ravaged the truck's interior:  

 㘇ሠǑӇᦡmp;#1740; ϦӊǤ     sent Items 
special thanks to miss elahe        aghaghia_333@yahoo.com
 short story[rope]
χӊǤ ϑȇѥی ی? ?楤摏 Ǔʠ?堦lt;/SPAN>
㦡mp;#1740; ΦǓʠǒ ȡ䏊Ѧamp;#1740;䦬t;/SPAN>
Ǧ ?Ӡǒ ӇᠥǠ£Ǐ堓ǒی.
㇌ч ̦یی ΦϠч ›ǒ ?я. 桦amp;#1740; ǒ ¤ ̇ ?妬t;/SPAN>
ǝʎǠ?Ǒ ч ݞؠȑǦamp;#1740; ΦϠ㦡mp;#1740; ΦǓʮ
ʕ㦡mp;#1740;㠐ѝʠʤ几ǒ ?楠ȇᇠѦϮ
The story tells about  a mountain climber ,
Who wanted to climb the highest mountain.
The began his aduenture after
Many years of preparation, but since
He wanted the glory just for
Himself,  he decided to climb the mountains
Ԉ ȡ䏦amp;#1740; 処amp;#1740; ?楠ч ʣǣǰ
ϑ ȑ ?ѝʠ栣я 妡mp;#1740;? ?یҠч 䏦amp;#1740;Ϯ
壥 ?یҠӦamp;#1740;ǥ ȦϮ
Ǖᇰ Ϧamp;#1740;Ϡ䏇Ԋ 标ȑ Ѧی ㇥ 栓ʇѥ 几
ч ?攇䏥 ȦϮ
The night fell heavily in the heights of
The mountains, and the man could not see
Anything. All was blake .
Zero visibility, and the moon and
The stars were couered by the clouds.
壇䠘摠?堇Ҡ?楠ȇᇠ㦡mp;#1740; ѝʮ
?䏠ޏ㠣Ǥϥ ȥ ޡ堘楮 ?Ǧamp;#1740;Ԡᦡmp;#1740;ҠΦя.
栏ъ ͇ᦡmp;#1740; ?堈堓њʠӞ映㦡mp;#1740; ?я.
ǒ ?楠?ъ ԏ.
ϑ ͇᠓ަؠݞؠᘥ 処amp;#1740; Ӧamp;#1740;ǥی ч ϑ
㞇ȡ ?ԣǤԠ㦡mp;#1740; Ϧamp;#1740;Ϯ
标͓Ǔ 捔ʤǘ 㘦amp;#1740;ϥ ԏ䠦lt;/SPAN>
ȥ 擦amp;#1740;ᥠަ堌ǐȥ Ǧ ч
ϑ ΦϠ㦡mp;#1740; ?ѝʮ
As he was climbing, only a few feet
Away frome the top of the mountain,
She slipped and fell into the air.
Falling at the great speed the climber could
Only see black spots as he went down,
And the terrible of being
Sucked by grauity.
壍䇤 Ӟ映㦡mp;#1740; ?я 揑 ¤ ፙNJ
ʑӠڙی㮠壥 ی ѦیχϥǦamp;#1740;
ΦȠ栈ϠҤϐی ȥ یǏԠ£Ϧlt;/SPAN>.
He kept falling ? and it those moments
Of great fear, it came to his mind all the
Good and bad episodes of his life.
ǘ䦤 ݘѠ㦡mp;#1740; ?я 㑐 ?堞ϑ
ȥ Ǧ 䒏ی? Ǔʮ
䇐凤 ǍӇӠ?я
?堘䇈 ȥ ϦѠ?㑔 ㍘㠔Ϯ
ȏ䔠㦡mp;#1740;Ǥ �㇤ 栒㦡mp;#1740;䠣ڡޠȦϦlt;/SPAN>
栝ޘ ؤLj Ǧ ч 䐥 χԊ堈揮
栏ѠǦamp;#1740;䠡͙堦amp;#1740; Ә椠ȑǦamp;#1740;Ԡ?Ǒ堇ی 䣇䏠
̒ ¤ ?堝Ѧamp;#1740;Ǐ Șԏ :
? ΏǦamp;#1740;Ǡ?㘣 ?䡻
He was thinking now about how close
Death was getting. When all of a sudden
He felt the rope tied to pulled
He waist and pulled him very hard.
His body was hanging in the air ?
Only the rope was holding him.
And in that moment of stillness he had
No others choice but to scream:
? help me god!?
䇐凤 ՏǦamp;#1740; ?Ѡؤی䦡mp;#1740; ?堇Ҡ�㇤ Ԥیϥ
㦡mp;#1740; ԏ ̦Lj χϠ:
? ǒ 㤠?堣ی Φǥی??
All of a sudden, adeep voice coming from
The sky answered:
? what do you want me to do??
- Ǧamp;#1740; ΏǠ䌇ʣ ȏ塦lt;/SPAN>
- 懞ڇ𠈇摠χѦamp;#1740; ?堣䠣ی ʦǤ㦬t;/SPAN>
ʦ ч 䌇ʠϥ㿦lt;/SPAN>
- ǡȊ堘堈ǦѠχѣ.
- ǐѠȇ摠χѦamp;#1740; ؤLjی ч ?堈堘㑊
ȓʥ Ǔʠч ?Ǒ堘䠮..
?save me god?
?do you really think I can save you??
? of course I belive you can.?
?then cut the rope tied to your waist ??
ی? ፙ堓?抠...
栣я ʕ㦡mp;#1740;㠐ѝʠȇ ʣǣ 䦡mp;#1740;Ѧ
ȥ ؤLj ȍӈϮ
There was a moment of silence ?
And the man decided to
Hold on the rope with all his strength.
?Ѧ堤̇ʠ㦡mp;#1740; ?榡mp;#1740;䏠?堑撠ȥϠی? ?楤摏
یΠҏ堑Ǡ㑏堁یχ ?яФϮ
ȏ䔠ǒ ی? ؤLj ¦ی҇䠈揠栈Ǧlt;/SPAN>
ϓʠ処amp;#1740;Ԡ㍘㠘䇈 ч ?ѝʥ ȦϠ...
标栝ޘ ی? ㊑ ʇ ңی䠝ǕᥠχԊ.
The rescue team tells that the next day
A climber was found dead and frozen
His body hanging frome a ropr.
His hands holding tight to it,
Only three feet away frome the ground .
栔ㇿ ?堞ϑ ȥ ؤLjʇ䠦Ljӊ堇یϿ
¦amp;#1740;Ǡ͇֑یϠ¤ ч ѥǠ?䦡mp;#1740;Ͽ
ϑ 㦑ϠΏǦ䏠呐Ҡی? ?یҠч ݑǣ攠䘤یϮ    
呐Ҡ䈇یϠȐ榡mp;#1740;یϠ?堇栔㇠ч ݑǣ攠?я宦lt;/SPAN>
呐ҠݘѠ䘤یϠ?堇栣чވ ԣǠ䦡mp;#1740;ӊ.
ȥ یǏ χԊ堈ǔیϠ?堇栥㦇ѥ ԣǠ
ч ȇ ϓʠчӊ ΦϠ䐥 χԊ堇ӊ.
And you? How attacked are you to your
Rape? Will you tet it go?
Don?t ever doubt one thing frome god.
You never should say that he has forgotten
Or abandoned you.
Don?t ever think that he does not take care
Of you.
Remember that he is always
Holding you with his right hand.
Many thanks to  elahe2006_naz@yahoo.com
True Story
If  all my friend were to jump off a bridge ,
I wouldn?t jump with them , I?d be at the
bottom to catch them.
ǐѠϦӊǣ Ȏ懤 ǒ ی? ?᠑ϠԤ?
 㤠ȇ Ǧ䥇 䎦ǥ㠑݊ ȡ?堇椠ؑݠ?᠎懥㠈揦lt;/FONT>
 ȑǦamp;#1740; ?㘠ȥ Ǧ䇮
Ture friendship is like sound health;
The value of it is seldom known until it is fost.
Ϧӊ 懞ڦamp;#1740; ㋡ ӡǣʦamp;#1740; 哊?
ǑҔ Ǧ䠑栣ڣ桇 ʇ 枊ی ǒ ϓʔ 䏦amp;#1740;㠤㦡mp;#1740; Ϧ䦡mp;#1740;㮦lt;/FONT>
A rel friend is one who walks in when
In the rest of the world walks out.
ی? Ϧӊ 懞ڦamp;#1740; Ǧ䦡mp;#1740; 哊Ԡ?堦lt;/FONT>
枊ی 㦡mp;#1740;Ǐ ?堊㦣 ϤیǠǒ ?Ԋʠѝʤ.

The Meanings Of The Holy Qur'an  
Abdullah Yusufali
 Surah 105. The Elephant
1. Seest thou not how thy Lord dealt with the Companions of the Elephant?
2. Did He not make their treacherous plan go astray?
3. And He sent against them Flights of Birds,
4. Striking them with stones of baked clay.
5. Then did He make them like an empty field of stalks and straw, (of which the corn) has been eaten up.
Surah 111. Palm Fibre, The Flame
1. Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he!
2. No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains!
3. Burnt soon will he be in a Fire of Blazing Flame!
4. His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood - As fuel!-
5. A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her (own) neck!
Surah 109. The Disbelievers, Atheists
1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2. I worship not that which ye worship,
3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6. To you be your Way, and to me mine.
Acknowledgement: Taken from http://www.islamicity.com/